I love to collaborate. If you'd like help with a creative project, shoot me a PM. I'm a constantly-improving voice actor, and I write scripts like a madman.

Matt Hutchings @Loy6

Age 33, Male


Lane Community College

Eugene, OR

Joined on 6/23/08

Exp Points:
535 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.97 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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So Many Plans

Posted by Loy6 - June 20th, 2011

So even though school had finished and I'm done with college (for now, at least), I'm still incredibly busy!

Big big collaborative projects on the way! I won't touch on a lot of them, as this post would then be huuuuuge! But I do want to talk about some highlights here!

While you're here, I'm going to go ahead and plug my voice demo again. Always on the look out for more work! My contact information is in the description box on the other side of the link.

AND if you're still reading, my friend Sam just recently made a thing that I sorta helped with (as far as refining the joke). It's a little comic put together to tell a joke, and for practice drawing in a different style than Sam's used to. Check it out (also he still needs to be scouted! Someone get on that!): http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/sup ermegadragon/fisher-of-men

Alright! Now that that's all out of the way, I'd just like to publicly thank Elfman-Rox for letting me be a part of Long Lost Bike! It blew me away that something I was in (even if my part was small, it's still amazing to me) won the Daily 2nd AND was featured on the front page of Newgrounds! I've visited Newgrounds often since I was like, twelve or younger, so it's kind of a huge deal to me.

On another note, my cousin and I recently put this together to make fun of an emo kid: The Cold Endless Darkness. I narrated the poem, while David did the ambient sound and music! We were pretty pleased with how it turned out. (Also I'm a bit mad that you can't give credit to multiple authors in the audio portal. I really hope all of the Portals run in a way similar to how the Flash Portal is run now when the site redesign launches)

And as far as future plans are concerned, my friend Cody is going to animate my voice demo, as well as work with Sam to animate several scenes written and voiced by David and myself. Some time down the line, Sam and I plan on revamping the "Jon Wonton" video because we feel that the acting and animation reall diminishes the comedic value of the script. David and I plan to do a collaborative story-telling thing. David's going to write a story bit by bit, and then I'm going to help him present it in an audio format by narrating the story and creating ambiance for the settings within it. It's going to be like a cross between a radio play and an audio book. Should be rad.

I'm also currently recording lines for several outside projects I was scouted for or auditioned for. There's one in particular I'm very excited about, but I won't get into that right now.

Aaaaand the other big news is that I am looking for a job with all of my previous work experience being in radio. It's not going that great. I'm going to need a job if I'm going to move out soon. Living with other artists, and having a room set aside as a studio for making things... It's gonna be awesome. But first I need money! Ooof. Gotta apply for more jobs.

I'm going to leave you now with a like to my Twitter account for emphasis. Following me will really help me getting my whole "voice actor" thing going, and I promise I won't spam your timeline. I try to only tweet interesting things (with mixed results, mind you).

Thanks for your time!

- Matt


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